What is a Case for Support and Why is it Useful?

The Case for Support, or the Case, answers the essential donor question: “why should I give you money now?”

To successfully answer this question, the Case must demonstrate alignment with what a potential donor cares about and what is close to their heart. It provides the opportunity for donors to create impact and a clear pathway to improving their community. It clearly states, in urgent and compelling language, why the donor is desperately needed to address a critical problem which, without their support, will have devastating results. It focuses from the outside looking in: what do donors see? vs. from the inside out, showing donors what we ‘do’.

A case for support should be:

  • Donor-centric. Donors want to see themselves working alongside your organization to solve problems. The donor is a vital partner in the situation, creating positive community impact through your work. Keep the tone conversational, and use “you” often, speaking directly to the donor.
  • Emotional. Neuroscience tells us that facts and figures lead to conclusions, but emotion inspires action.  A case full of reason won’t inspire donors; an emotional narrative that paints a compelling picture inspires support. Donors must FEEL the Case; it must be bold, passionate, and heartfelt. To be effective, it must cause an emotional reaction.
  • Urgent. Why must donors care about this problem right now? How does your solution to the problem demonstrate hope and lead to stronger and healthier families and communities?

Reconsidering Museums Case for Support

Young child looking ahead with notepad and pencil standing with a crouched adult pointing and looking in the same direction.

In collaboration with Global Philanthropic, the Case for Support Template was developed based on the Collecting Perspectives value proposition. It combines messaging and key data insights on the role, value, and future of museums with quotes and information from your specific museum to create a compelling narrative.

The Case for Support package is designed to make it easy for you to prepare a case that will inspire donors in your community to invest in your museum. The Case will tell your museum’s story in the context of a broader museum sector story, with opportunities throughout for you to customize the document (or not), depending on your needs.

Within the package there is a Case for Support Template, an Explainer to help you customize the Case, as well as an example of a finished case.

Museums are encouraged to use this tool to create a values-based fundraising document for their own museum.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 March 2023, 10:06 PM