Available courses

HELP! Online Emergency Preparedness Workshop

This online workshop will guide participants through the process of developing an Emergency Preparedness Framework for their museum. Participants will learn how to assemble an Emergency Response Team, write and implement an Emergency and Disaster Plan, and determine what tools, training, and processes they need to be ready when disaster strikes.


This workshop should take approximately five hours to complete, with additional resources and readings provided throughout the seven modules to continue your learning after the completion of the workshop. The workshop is completed individually and asynchronously.


Participants will use the HELP! An Emergency Preparedness Manual for Museums, 2nd Edition as a resource to take the first steps in implementing an Emergency Preparedness Framework in their institutions. This manual provides guidance, tools, forms, templates, case studies, and other resources to assist museums in taking a systems approach to emergency preparedness and response. The manual and its contents will be referenced throughout this workshop.

Reconsidering Museums
Reconsidering Museums

Reconsidering Museums is a national research and advocacy initiative created for Canadian museums to rethink their role and value to the public. 

About the Course:

This course is designed for individuals interested in how to use and apply the Reconsidering Museums toolkit. It is a self-directed, module-based, asynchronous course consisting of four modules:

The modules are designed to be taken in order, but participants can access any or all modules based on their interests. Completing the modules will provide an understanding of Reconsidering Museums and its outcomes, the purpose and value of the resources in the toolkit, as well as how to use and apply the toolkit in their work or institution.

The course is free and open to all. If you have questions about the course content, or want to learn more about Reconsidering Museums, visit reconsideringmuseums.ca or send an email to info@reconsideringmuseums.ca.

Land Acknowledgement:

We acknowledge that our work takes place on the territories of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who have lived on and stewarded the land now known as Canada and its stories since time immemorial. We acknowledge the colonial legacy of museums and the harm caused by our sector and commit to respecting and promoting Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination. We seek to collect the many perspectives that contribute to our shared history, present, and future as we work towards reconciliation.